We transform your sequencing data into publication ready outputs

Through a wide variety of bioinformatic analyses, changes and trends between samples can be uncovered.

Standard Bioinformatic Components

While every project is unique, there are three steps we always perform. 

The result of NGS are patterns of RNA expression. By quantifying changes in RNA levels, we can pin-point the expression of every gene that is being turned up or down.

Extended or Non-Standard Involvement

We are at the cutting edge of RNA NGS analyses. We offer a broad range of customized services that fit your project. 

Through advanced bioinformatics we can map out potentially affected cellular pathways, identify biomarkers, and more. 


All analyses are customized to the needs of your project. To get you started searching for trends from the raw data, we will perform some standard steps. Specifically, we will always perform quality control and filtering, map to existing genome (or, if you have a non-model organism, we will perform a de novo assembly), and quantify differential expression. 

Filtering & Quality Control 

Filtering & Quality Control

Raw data will be quality filtered and the adaptor sequences will be removed. 

Qualitity control will be performed (typically with FastQC) to ensure high data quality.

Mapping or De novo assembly


Raw reads will be alligned to the appropriate annotated genome. 

We can also perfom de novo assemblies in order to discover new transcripts or to analyze any species!

Differential expression analysis

& cluster analysis

DE & cluster analysis

After mapping, we quantify the number of reads mapping to each gene. 

For a more complete description click here


Depending on your project's parameters and requirements, you may benefit from more extensive, custom bioinformatic analysis. Click below to learn a bit more about each type of extended bioinformatics we perform and how it could benefit your project.

What to expect in your report from omiics

Read more about the discoveries from our bioinformatic analyses

See examples of our publications and visualizations

Ready to get started?

Contact us to discuss the right analytical solution for your project